Cleaning your conservatory can be a massive chore if you are not prepared with the right kit. Whilst the glass windows are brilliant for letting in lots of light and creating a fantastic place to relax, keeping them clean and keeping your conservatory guttering clean is something that needs to be done to keep your conservatory looking its best. We’ve put together our top tips for how to clean your conservatory with some handy tips on the best tools for the job to make your conservatory clean a breeze.

Top Tips for Cleaning a Conservatory


1. Start at the Top and Work Your Way Down

When it comes to how to clean a conservatory, method is everything. There is nothing worse when cleaning a conservatory than getting your conservatory windows clean and shiny only for murky water to run down them once you get started on cleaning your conservatory roof. The same applies to cleaning the lowest, easiest-to-reach parts of your conservatory windows first before moving on to higher sections.

Start at the top of your conservatory when cleaning your conservatory and work your way down to avoid dirty water from the top spilling down over cleaner sections below.


2. Clean Your Conservatory Gutters Whilst Cleaning the Roof

Full gutters can cause all sorts of problems if they are not cleaned out regularly enough and are often a neglected part of regular conservatory cleans. When tackling the task people can often be left wondering how to clean guttering above a conservatory. However, if you have already put the steps in place to clean your conservatory roof, this is a perfect opportunity to give your gutters a quick clean out whilst you are up there.


3. Clean Both Inside and Outside Conservatory Panes

Whilst you are doing a fantastic job of making the outside of your conservatory look good, make sure you don’t forget to clean the inside windows of your conservatory. Marks and streaks on windows can often still appear no matter how many times you scrub the outside of your conservatory windows but this is often because of marks on the inside. Clean the inside of your conservatory windows to make it look its very best after all of your hard work.


4. Don’t Lean on the Conservatory Roof Whilst Cleaning it

One of the most important things to remember when cleaning a conservatory is to not lean on the roof whilst cleaning it. It may be tempting to lean forward when cleaning a hard-to-reach spot but you should remember that your roof is not built for human weight and could potentially break if leaned on. Instead, opt for an extendable cloth that will help you reach the far ends of your conservatory roof without having to lean anywhere on the conservatory itself.


5. Use a Specially Formulated Window Cleaner

If you want to avoid streaky lines when the sun hits your conservatory windows, your best option is to use a specialised window cleaner over soapy water. Once you have got the bulk of any dirt off that may have dried there, dip in to your conservatory window cleaner for a squeaky-clean shine that won’t obscure the view from your conservatory.


6. Don’t Forget the Inside of your Conservatory

Whilst we have gone through how to clean your conservatory windows and how to clean your conservatory roof, one thing you shouldn’t forget in order to keep your conservatory wowing for years to come is to clean the inside of your conservatory.

If you are still figuring out how to clean the conservatory roof inside, simply wring out a sponge with some warm soapy water, wipe it over the surfaces to remove any dirt or dust and use a squeegee to wipe off any excess water that remains. This method can also be used on the remaining solid surfaces in your conservatory, just make sure to leave the windows to the glass cleaner!


Your Conservatory Cleaning Kit

Now that you are ready to get started cleaning your conservatory, we’ve pulled together our must-have kit for making cleaning a conservatory simpler.

  • Extendable brush – Essential for cleaning your conservatory roof
  • Step Ladder – For those hard-to-reach places, you can even get one designed especially for conservatories
  • Soap – Many DIY shops sell soap designed specifically for conservatory roofs
  • A Helper – To make sure you don’t miss a bit
  • Optional: Some people find rinsing their conservatory off with a pressure hose to be useful for really dirty conservatories


If you are looking to upgrade your conservatory or have any other questions about our conservatories, orangeries or windows, get in touch with the team online or by calling 01543 467146 to find out more about how we can help.

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