When it comes to taking care of your conservatory and making sure it lasts as long as you need it to, one of the areas a lot of people forget is the guttering. In charge of carrying water away from your conservatory roof, guttering is a key part of keeping your conservatory in top condition and preventing damage. But what happens when it needs a clean and why is it so important to keep your conservatory guttering clean? We talk through this and more in our guide to how to clean your conservatory guttering properly.

Why is it Important to Clean your Guttering?

Aside from looking a mess, clogged guttering can cause a lot of damage to your conservatory and cause the gutter to break away from your conservatory roof. By regularly checking and cleaning your conservatory guttering, you’ll help to prevent blockages and damage to your conservatory roof drain pipes. Guttering frequently gets filled up with leaves that have drifted from nearby trees or other debris but if this is not removed and allowed to build up in your gutter, it can cause your conservatory guttering to become damaged and pull away from your conservatory. This can not only cause damage to the guttering itself but also to your conservatory where the guttering has been attached.

Blocked or damaged conservatory guttering can cause water to run into your conservatory which in turn can cause issues such as damp, mould and mildew to build up in your conservatory as well as causing stained walls from the rain water damage.


What Tools Do I Need To Clean My Conservatory Guttering Properly?

When cleaning your conservatory guttering, it is important you do a thorough job to avoid any issues later on down the line. There are a few key tools you may need to make conservatory guttering cleaning a safe and effective process.

  • A sturdy ladder that reaches the height you need to clean
  • A long piece of wire or a stick to push through gutter blockages
  • A hose
  • A trowel for scraping debris out of the guttering
  • A damp cloth to wipe down your guttering

By using these tools effectively, your conservatory guttering cleaning will be a breeze.


How to Clean Your Conservatory Guttering Properly

Follow our step-by-step guide to clean your conservatory guttering easily and prolong the life of your conservatory guttering.

  1. Secure your ladder within reach of your conservatory gutter to ensure you will not have to lean too far and the ladder itself won’t move.
  2. Check the pipes for blockages. You may need a stick or wire to prod at hard to reach areas within the pipes.
  3. Check the gutter brackets for damage or sagging. Damaged conservatory guttering brackets can lead to all sorts of problems such as water running into your conservatory so it is important to check if these will need replacing whilst cleaning your conservatory guttering and screw them back into place if needed.
  4. Dig out any dirt within the pipes making sure any debris is completely removed and wipe down with a damp cloth.
  5. Flush the pipes through with water to check there is a clean run with no hidden blockages.

Frequently checking, cleaning and upkeep of your conservatory and guttering is essential to maintaining its long lifetime. Faulty guttering can pull away from your conservatory causing serious damage.


If your conservatory has passed its time and you are looking for a new conservatory, contact the team at RB Windows to find out more about our cost-effective conservatory options. Call 01543 467146 to talk to the team or contact us online to find out more.